Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, March 1, 2012

BYU - Ivy League

Alright - this might be super prideful of me, but it was exciting for me to find out.  My favorite professor taught at MIT before he came here to BYU. That's a pretty big deal in itself. When our class found this out, someone asked him the main difference he had noticed between BYU and MIT. His response was that MIT students never complained about their workload. That one hurt - BUT - what that means is that he's giving us the same workload he gave to kids at MIT. And every week, the case we have to complete comes from Harvard. Also a big deal.

Therefore, we're getting the same education as kids at MIT & Harvard, for a fraction of the cost. They pay $35,000 a semester, we pay less than $3,000

We win.


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