Now featuring the adventures of Andrew Coffman, his beautiful wife Lacie, their sweet little girl Paris, beast of a son Roman, and the canine Prince.
Monday, November 28, 2011
Changing it up
Ok sorry everyone Andrew did not change his settings it was me, Lacie green is not my favorite color so i made it into something i liked better. But i guess we will see how long it lasts....
Nice! I like it. Way to take charge Lacie! Dustin set up our Blog 5 years ago, and I have been trying to change it ever since. But Dustin says "no." He is a party pooper!
Taken over and girl-ified. Just like everything else in my life these days.
Nice! I like it. Way to take charge Lacie! Dustin set up our Blog 5 years ago, and I have been trying to change it ever since. But Dustin says "no." He is a party pooper!