Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mommas Day

Well, with it bein Mothers Day and all - I've found myself thinking of momma all day. And how grateful I am for her.

Once as a missionary I compared myself to one of the 2000 stripling warriors. On top of the fact that I'm incredibly ripped, strong, valiant, courageous, obedient, and brave - they were taught by their moms. My momma woke up at 6 a.m. every day my junior and senior year to teach my seminary class, which had a total enrollment of 1.

 And let's be honest - I was a teenage boy, and it was 7 in the mornin. So seminary pretty much consisted of me layin my head on the table and her talking and trying to get me to say something. If it had been me teaching, I would have punched me after two mornings and given up. But for some reason she kept at it, day after day. So despite what she might tell you, she must have seen something in me.

Obviously I'm biased, but I would say her efforts paid off. I was a halfway decent missionary and now I'm almost a college graduate with a great job. And I got sealed to a gorgeous young lady and made a baby of my own. She did good.

Thanks momma.

1 comment:

  1. Your mom is pretty awesome. She did a great job raising you guys. I know Dustin is the great person he is because of her. It is awesome that you can appreciate your mom. I did not start to truly appreciate my mom until after I had kids. Happy mother's day to Lacie! Just because the baby isn't here yet, doesn't mean she isn't working hard at being a mom.
