Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, January 9, 2012

Our Little Kumquat

Here's the newest baby Coffman!

Sexy momma Lacie had her first doctors appointment this mornin. This is the little gummy bear that's the size of a kumquat. The new due date is August 6th. 

The baby is laying on its side with an arm and a leg sticking up, 10 weeks today is what it measured at. Now just ten more and we will know what we are having. :)

The doc said everything looked normal, and the heartbeat sounded like a washin machine.


  1. "He" looks just like you, Andrew!

  2. Yay! We are so excited for you guys! It is fun that your little one and ours will be pretty close in age! They are going to have a blast playing together! Emme is sad that she won't be sharing her birthday though. Another July baby would be fun! We hope Lacie is doing well, and we wish her an easy pregnancy! Enjoy the first one, everything so new and exciting!

  3. Great to hear and see all is well with "Gummy". Love y'all
