Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, January 23, 2012


It's official!
Our little lime-sized baby can be felt in mommas tummy. 

We can't feel it move or anything yet, but if Lacie's layin down and you rub your hand over her tummy you can feel a baseball just to the right of her bellybutton. 
Obviously I'm the only one that's gonna be rubbin her tummy while she's lyin down, so no one else will know for awhile. But we can feel it. So we're excited.

Also, it's started bein nicer to mom and not makin her as sick as often, so we're both very grateful for that.

We like our baby

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad that Lacie is feeling better! I love the point in pregnancy when you can start feeling the baby move. The last month or so ours has gotten big enough for Dustin to feel him kick and punch at him. (He does not like having his space invaded by Dustin! LOL) I also like the picture. Ya'll think it is funny now, but just wait until poor Lacie really is that big! LOL That is how big I feel now! You still got a few months Lacie! LOL
