Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Poipu Kauai

We decided to go to Kauai to celebrate our 3rd anniversary and leave the kiddos behind to make it our second honeymoon.

We arrived Saturday afternoon and found this view from our hotel room:

Lace thought the road to our hotel was pretty awesome.

Woke up at 4:30 a.m. Sunday morning not yet adjusted to the time difference, so we decided to go watch the sunrise

Took a short little drive up the coast in our sweet Dodge Charger

Monday we found a sweet little beach hidden away in the jungle. It was awesome

Tuesday was our adventure day - we found this cool thing called 'Queen's Bath'

Really cool fish in there and some cliffs to jump off of

Then we went to the 'Womb of Hawaii' - a huge cave with freshwater in it and an underwater tunnel that leads to a tiny room. 

The water was freezing and it was a little creepy being pitch black, but it was really cool

Wednesday we sailed up the Na'Pali coast and saw some dolphins

Lace got really seasick along with half of the boat - so they all hung out depressed in the back

Those of us that weren't sissies got to enjoy some pretty awesome views

Thursday we stuck around the resort and relaxed

Played some checkers

And just enjoyed being in Hawaii. 

We also jumped off some cliffs there on the beach but didn't take any pictures.
The hotel offered us a bottle of champagne for our anniversary, we told them that wasn't good enough and demanded sparkling cider instead.

All in all it was fairly decent trip.

1 comment:

  1. Looks awesome.....just like Maui :) Glad you had a great time
