It was beautiful weather and Andrew shot the best game of his life. 56 through 9 holes
Then we got to get all dressed up for two Halloween parties that night
Our sweet little Tinkerbell just loved sucking on her costume
Our first stop was our ward party where we had a chili cook-off and cornbread. It was some good food.
Then we drove up to Lehi for a work party and got more good food and pumpkin-carving fun.
Saturday morning our ward played another ward in the annual Skeleton Bowl - where we all dressed up in our Halloween costumes. Andrew was the only one in a legitimate costume - the other guys were pretty lame except for Joe Dirt who wore cutoff jean shorts.
But the Peter Pan outfit helped him fly all over the field and catch balls that seemed absolutely uncatchable.
After watching Jamaal Williams run all over Georgia Tech, we got dressed up again and went down the the Shops at Riverwoods for another party - this time for little ones. We got to go on a hay ride and go trick-or-treating at all the stores, and pet llamas and saw a headless horseman.
We ended the day at Wingers watching Notre Dame beat Oklahoma
It's been a fun-filled and beautiful fall in Provo