Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Typical Gameday Sights at the Coffmans

Entering our 3rd football season as a couple, Lacie has finally started to catch on to the excitement and passion of BYU football. We've reached an unspoken agreement that if I keep the football talk and watching to a minimum throughout the rest of the week, she will join in the festivities of Gameday with me on Saturday.

We pull Paris' bedtime stories out and put them on display.

The Cougar highlight DVD's take front and center stage and are on the TV throughout the day.

The Gameday flag gets hung in the front window.

Paris wears her gameday outfit.

We even get to hang this Cougar poster on the wall.

Lace rocked the house and made this sweet wreath from scratch.

We bust out these Cougarware for our pregame pancake party.

Our love seat turns into the Cougar Seat of Love.

Paris helps momma make the cougar snacks to go along with our pregame pancake party.

Then the sun begins to set and we head to Lavell Edwards Stadium to watch total and complete domination.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Family Photos

At the Park

We learned how to climb up the slide

And started racing cousins up. (And won every time of course)

Even got brave enough to crawl across the bridge.

She LOVES horse rides

And we all love Football.